Benefits of Biblical-Based Eating

Changing to a Biblical Based diet

In the last few years, so many things have changed for me inside and out. My perspective, I think, has had the most significant change in my life. I believe that my seeking God to help me, trusting in Him, and being grateful at the moment have revealed a lot. It has become more than just a habit but a lifestyle change to a Biblical-based diet.

Through Bible study and my own, I have researched the Bible in the excellent instruction book for life. Where all questions are answered. So, when people ask what I should be eating, drinking, or shaking, you can take it back to the Word. God has something to say on that subject, and I promise you Hot Pockets is not on it.

What Should I Eat?

Now, grains, vegetables, and meats come naturally from God’s earth, but we were not meant to add the extra additives to Hot Pockets to feel God’s good creation. So, when flipping through the excellent book, even if you start from the beginning very quickly after man is created, he is instructed on what he can eat.

Genesis 9:3 “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.”

Genesis 9:3 made it easy. Those things can be found at your local grocers around the outside parameters. I didn’t see any reference for the food found in “Aisle 9” on the list.

What’s your definition of convenience food?

I don’t think that we appreciate that meats and vegetables are in this modern time prepared for our convenience. They came with precut meats and fish and pulled and washed fruits and vegetables for most American Society, which is not convenient enough.

We now see it as a chore to take the precut meats, veggies, and fruits and then prepare them. We want it already prepared, fast, and ready to serve, even with the convenience of not slaughtering our food. We still “need” to be wholly prepared and already cooked.

We prefer driving up to a window, placing our request to our specific likes, and receiving it cooked, hot, and ready to eat. That was me, Drive-Thru Junkie, and I spent most of my time in the car and very little time enjoying things in life other than my children.

29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. Genesis 1:29-30

Then I found myself with a post-baby and some “extra bad decisions” weight and no one to blame but me. I know that I needed to change some habits, do things differently, and possibly be inconvenienced.

It’s hard to eat “clean.”

I remember how daunting it initially was to prepare every meal AT HOME or have things for the girls to take to school or sports, just snacks. Making a lifestyle change meant ceasing to rely on Hot Pockets and Goldfish for food and adopting better options God provided.

Once I figured out a list of do’s and don’ts (taking straight from the Word) in Leviticus 11 and how to prepare, it took time, but I made changes. So, that’s what I caused by trial and error. A few bad meals here and there that eventually became delicious, and you never missed the extra additives. Meal prep and preparation were quicker. And I began seeing miraculous effects on my body that did not only involve weight loss.

7 Reasons I maintain a Biblical-Based Diet

1. I feel AMAZING!

I believe it is why I have the energy to do all I do daily and go to bed beat. No longer the highs and lows of sugars and processed foods. My skin has also cleared up! I have not changed my skincare routine, just the things I eat. I’ve gone from lots of dark marks to just a few, and it’s nice not to do anything or pay anything extra for skincare just needed to eat right. “It was written all over my face.”

2. I no longer suffer from seasonal allergies!

Seriously, people didn’t believe my family until they witnessed it themselves. I have suffered since I was a child with seasonal allergies. I had to get an allergy shot every week to maintain normalcy on top of daily allergy medicine.

Since changing how and what I eat, I have not taken any allergy medicine, and I have no sniffles, no itchy eyes, or scratchy throat. I have never gone through spring or fall without symptoms in my entire life. The allergist probably still needs to confirm, but I do know that I only eat whole foods, and other than that, nothing has changed.

3. I no longer have digestion issues!

I always complained after every meal, “my stomach hates me.” Since going Whole or Biblical, I only have complaints when I eat things that I am allergic to or are heavily processed. A survey stated that over 74% of surveyed Americans complain of digestive issues. For me, if it’s something like, “Just add water,” it makes my tummy HURT! But since eating a Biblically-based diet, I can eat without remorse, and that has been worth it.


4. I have tremendous energy!

I no longer need coffee; I drink it for the taste. I used to be dependent come 2:30-4:30; I would be wiped out and no longer have energy for the day. When I eat well, I feel well and have the energy to power through my day! Check out what I have learned in my blog post: The Common mistakes women make when burning fat and increasing energy!

5. I have lost weight!

If you have been following my journey, you have seen the transformation, but if you haven’t, I’ve lost 100 lbs within 18 months. My Drive Thru junkie diet directly correlated with my weight and how I felt. Switching to a Biblical Based diet has also propelled my weight loss and allowed me to achieve my goal faster than most. Nutrition is 80% of the journey. I exercised to lose weight, but eating what God has provided has helped me tremendously. It’s made it simple when making food choices.

6. It’s simple!

Eating a Biblically-based diet is effortless. I don’t stress organic or ecological we focus on perishable. The most complicated part is how to eat a Biblically-based diet and still enjoy the foods you love. It’s possible! I would love to show you how. In our Bibles and Bootcamp, we spend two weeks exclusively on how we fuel our temple.

7. I feel I am honoring my temple!

This is the best benefit of them all. I am honoring my temple, which gives me the energy to care for others, love others and share God with others and that is what we are called to do.

This lifestyle has changed my health and mind, and I want to share it with you. If you need help with Nutrition, Fitness, and making it a lifestyle change, that will stick.

Join us for our Bible and Bootcamp. I will give you a nutrition guide and accountability with a meal plan, step-by-step family-friendly recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and a weekly shopping list with my 7-week Transformation program.

I also have a Free download for women who have been trying but have difficulty achieving their goals. There is a Kill Your Food Cravings Reference Guide.

What are some things that you are struggling with in weight loss?

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