Reclaim your Energy: 7 Ways to get your energy back
Did you know that majority of our population feels tired all the time? Fatigue can be a common symptom in many disorders and diseases, but more often than not, it’s because of some bad lifestyle habits. There’s good news and bad news. Good news? It can be easily corrected. Bad news? You’re going to have to change. If you want your energy back, I have seven suggestions to help.
- Get up! Most of our jobs require us to sit for hours, which makes us tired, and most people claim to be too tired to be active and exercise. So, what’s the solution? Get up ANYWAYS! I promise you it will boost your energy, and the more you do it, the more you have.You can make small changes in your sedentary lifestyle to begin steps towards more energy. Aren’t you tired of being tired? Start standing instead of sitting; stairs instead of elevators (come on, you’ve heard it before). The reason is it works! Do better for yourself and get up and start moving.
2. Stop eating too many refined carbs! I know you heard it before, no carbs, and that is not what I am saying. I am saying no REFINED carbs meaning- stuff that comes in a box or bag that can sit on your shelf for months at a time. You know shelf-stable goods. Well, those items that can last a long time on your shelf are zapping your energy and robbing you sending spikes in your blood sugar but then leaving you tired and groggy. Carbs are a great source of quick energy, but better ways to get them. Research findings suggest that minimizing sugar and processed carbs at meals and snacks will give you greater energy levels. Check out my Blog Post why we should cut the C.R.A.P
3. Eat what you need! I am so glad I got out of the train of thought to eat less to lose weight. Calories are what we use to measure how much energy food provides. It is what your body needs to operate when you eat fewer calories than your body needs to work; your body, aka metabolism, slows down to preserve energy for really need it, and that slowdown process is making you tired. There is no set calorie intake because everyone is different, but you should be getting more than 1200 calories a day to ensure your body isn’t slowing down. So, eat up (not too much) but what you need to fuel your day, and you will have the energy to perk up.
4. Eat more protein! Along with the high refined carb diet, we tend not to get enough protein. There have been a lot of protein products on the market, but if you look carefully, the fillers that are put in them make them high in carbs. Not getting enough protein can cause a lack of energy. Studies have shown that eating protein increases your metabolic rate more than carbohydrates and fats. Also, several studies show that people with diets with adequate or higher protein-rich foods have more self-reported energy than others whose diets had less. I would suggest eating quality protein at every meal to help you boost your energy. Check out my blog post on why women need more protein
5. Drink more water! It always comes back to this, but proper hydration will give you the energy you need. When your body is tired, it is trying to restore itself making sure that you are adequately hydrated will prevent your body from going into restoration mode.
6. Sleep better! You think we’d sleep better for such a tired nation, but most of us are not getting enough of the quality sleep we need to function at our best, including me. It also makes sense why you don’t have the energy you need to go about your daily life and rely on other energy sources. I have stressed the importance of rest many times before and how it is crucial to helping you operate best. My suggestions for those who do have trouble sleeping? Do something physical during the day for at least 30 minutes a day; it can even resemble exercise. Working out can help you rest easy at night, getting those zzz’s that your body needs!
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Take shorter naps! So, you did not sleep last night. You get home from work, and you are beyond tired. Naps, are good right? A quick 3-hour nap will be best? Nope! Another reason your sleep is off is from sleeping at the wrong times. Quick 20-30 minutes are reenergizing any longer than that needs to wait for the evening. Sleeping for long stretches during the day is throwing your internal clock off. Try to wait till evening even if you need to go to bed a little earlier than usual try to keep long sleep durations to night time.
7. Stop stressing! Stop stressing and give it to God! High levels of stress can zap your energy and rob you of a joyful life. Aren’t you tired of being tired? Stress management is an excellent way to give you the power you need. We often deal with stress by shutting down, leaving us tired, cranky, and worn. There is a proven release of stress and freedom in prayer, worship, and devotion through other ways than sitting in a church service.
I am sure most of these tips you have heard before but don’t know how to apply them to your life, or there are so many things you need to use you don’t know where to begin. I may have something that can help? I have my new Bibles and Bootcamps starting in a few weeks.
I created this program to be the essential training you need in your faith and fitness journey. Walking step-by-step with you gives you action items to help you adopt a healthier lifestyle that allows you to increase your energy, help you lose weight, all while growing and strengthening your faith. I would love to help you live the life you deserve and hope you will join us!