How to get started working out consistently

Phew! Getting started working out is not as easy as it seems. I remember when I began working out. Something that I never thought I would be able to do but having a sliver of a vision and trusting in God has led me to a beautiful place where I get to inspire others to get up and do something. I remember wanting to lose weight, work out, be a runner, anything to get active but having some interpretation and not knowing where to begin.  I also HATED exercising, so it took a while for me to find my groove, but once I did, I was so grateful for the abilities God had given me.

Not everyone is like me and wants to run it out to the gym.  When I first started, I loathed the idea of going to the gym, and now it’s where I have come to find peace and need to get away in my day. I didn’t wake up one day, become a gym rat, or want to exercise. It took over two years of intentional, consistent effort and is now a part of my daily routine. I remember getting started, so I have seven suggestions for making a “Working Out” part of your daily routine.

black woman 100 lb weight loss

1. Walk and Worship

When in doubt, walk it out. My favorite thing to do is walk and worship. Whether I have a great playlist, amazing sermon, bible study, or just to walk in nature. Spending time strolling (not power walking) and being filled with the Holy Spirit has produced some Hallelujah moments and great revelations.  Try to carve 30 minutes out of your day and enjoy the difference.

2. Change your beliefs

This is one of the hardest things to overcome, but once you change what you believe, you will go in a different direction. There are two questions that I ask my clients that really help them change the direction of their transformation.
“What do you believe your life would look like if you met your goal; walk me through it.”

I have them share with me what they would see, taste, touch, and feel if they met their goal.

“When you reach your goal, what will you do next?”

Our beliefs are the operating system in which our body acts. If you don’t believe you can do anything, you won’t. If you don’t see the direction you’re going, you won’t move in that direction. Asking clients to put themselves in a mental space where they already achieved is a catalyst to guide them in the direction they want to live their lives.

The second question validates the new belief because it is the next step.  Beliefs are hard to change.  Its more than just ask a question and you’re set on course. You have to consistently reiterate the new belief.  Often times you have been believing the same thing for years.  Like the demon-possessed boy in Mark.  In Mark 9:21

Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?”“From childhood,” he answered. 22 “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” Mark 9:21-22

We have some beliefs that we have held on to childhood. We thought “I can’t…” and we haven’t been able to so why would this be different.  Before we were living by lies but with Scripture, you learn God’s truth, and by continuing to remind yourself of your new belief and then validating it with God’s Word you will change what you believe.

23 “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” 24 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” Mark 9:23-24

What if this time, because you’re not doing it as the world would be, you’re doing it differently? Coming to God continually, frequently, putting the Lord in the quiet, empty places instead of filling them with things that don’t serve you. Moving your body out of reverence because the Lord gave you air to breathe and limbs to move, and you get the honor of getting in your body and challenging it to do hard things.

 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

3. Workout at home

That’s how I started doing different things at home. Creating a routine daily to sweat for 30 minutes, I would get up early, do my devotions, and then work out. Two years later, it is still a habit.  Doing workouts at home is great because it is non-intimidating and convenient. It also leaves you no excuse.FaithFueled life App has workouts you can do in 10,20,30 and 45 minutes from home or gym.

4. Join an Online Fitness Community

If you don’t have a support group physically, the Internet can be a blessing to help you stay accountable.  Do your research when you choose a program! Some great programs can give you a home or gym workout plan and accountability.  FaithFueled Life members have seen lots of success through the fellowship and accountability of my online group training program.

The Lord made us live in a community.  We know because God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit live in a community, a trinity.  We are reminded in God’s Word that we are stronger together than on our own. When it comes to change it makes it easier to do it with other people, but you have to show up for yourself first. A plan and community will help you create a discipline for moving and nourishing your body.

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

5. Find a fun Group Fitness Class or Digital Studio

Group fitness is the best. You are working in a community of people trying to be their best selves.  Another benefit is variety, there are so many types of group fitness:
Water Aerobics

And the list can go on.  By trying a variety of movements, you can find what works for you.  Group fitness looks different now because we have Virtual options and fitness mobile apps that make it possible for everything to access a fitness instructor. I teach Bible & Bootcamps on Saturday mornings. I want everyone to have access to fitness. My programs and app have a fee, but Bible and Bootcamps LIVE on Saturdays at 9:00a ET is always FREE.  Join me LIVE on Saturday or join the FaithFueled Life app for On-Demand Fitness Workouts.

6. Try something that scares you

This year I have been doing things that I wouldn’t have done a few years ago because of anxiety. Even though I was blocking myself, it didn’t stop me from curious about many things.  This year I have decided to try those things and stop thinking about them, so when opportunities presented themselves, I tried something new.  I have learned that trying something new may unlock a passion that leads you to want to do it regularly, and not only would you have started a workout, but you may also enjoy and look forward to doing cool concepts. Fear and faith cannot occupy the same space.

Just because lifting weights is what other people do doesn’t mean that you might have better results and enjoy what you are doing by swimming, fencing, double dutch, or pilates. There are many possibilities and ways to “work out” and exercise; it’s not a size fits. You deserve to live a healthy life, which looks different for everyone. Just as we are “uniquely and wonderfully made,” so is how our temples are honored.

7. Pray

Pray for direction, pray for self-discipline, pray to crave the things that are good for your body. Pray for a desire to treat your temple the way it deserves to be treated.  In FaithFueled Life, we lead you through 7 weeks of daily devotions and prayer to change your mindset and hear from “I HAVE to work to I GET to workout;” In doing so, you are honoring your temple.

The mind is powerful, and making adults do what they don’t want is hard. That is the hardest part of your mental mindset, but when your mental, spiritual, and physical are working together, you can fully honor God and bring Him glory! That is where instruction, guidance, and education help. What makes my program different is I bring God’s Word.

The Lord uses physical things to teach us spiritual principles.  We can walk closer to bearing His image by going to His word in everything we do.  That is where Bible and Bootcamps were born.  I seek truth through God’s Word on how to care for my temple more. The more I grew closer to God and found freedom from idolizing fitness and obsessing or neglecting food.

Whether you start today or in August like I did when I began my journey, I want to invite you to bring God into your attempt, let Him meet you where you are, and take you where He knows you can go.

 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1

Is getting started with a workout program a struggle? What makes it hard?

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