Free Virtual Fitness Classes
Many things led me to bring back FREE Virtual fitness classes. The last two years have been a forced opportunity to rebuild. You may not have noticed but I have changed in so many ways. Two years ago, I received a New Year “Word” from God which is always exciting and new.
Remembering my “Why”
This blog has been an opportunity for me to share my weight loss journey since 2015. Every year, I would end with a reflection and begin with a hope for the year sharing my “word.” When 2022, came I was reeling from unexpected grief. The loss of a loved one that was so dear to me and part of my everyday life through a traumatic experience. I felt led by the Holy Spirit that my word was “Rebuild”. I was completely ready until I realized what the Lord was trying to tell me. Check out post like “Feeling Stuck” to see where this blog began
When you rebuild you have to take everything back to the studs. Everything and everyone that I thought was for me was taken away. I will always remember what my husband and I will refer to as “the year of a rebuild”. What had begun as excitement and expectations of something new quickly turned into my leaning on prayer and clinging to God’s Word in everything because that was all I had left.
Being rebuilt by God
Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem, a firm and tested stone. It is a precious cornerstone that is safe to build on. Whoever believes need never be shaken. Isaiah 28:16
I tried to hold onto the things that I thought were mine which I found were just idols I had set before the Lord. And despite my grips, they were taken away.
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:2-4
When I got to the end of 2022. I was eager to move on to a New Year. Even though “the calendar doesn’t change the chaos.” I was holding on to hope.
In October of 2022, I felt I had received a new word to guide me into the New Year. “Redemption and Restoration,” and once again I was excited and expectant of the Lord to show up and show off and He surely did. Last year, was unexpected blessing after blessing. God just continued to bring redemption, restoration, and transformative healing into my life.
New Year and New Vision
Here I am, two years later, still here and my faith, trust, and belief in the power of God is like never before. My desire to bring glory and honor to His kingdom is the first thing that is on my mind daily and am realizing that everything that He has done has been to “prepare and position” me for His plan.
This year I felt I forced my word. Until I sat down to write this post I thought my word for the year was “Kardia.” I learned of this word in my personal Bible study. It means “take heart” in Greek or “braveheart” in Middle English. I even found Scriptures but for the last three weeks, I have been awakening by the words, “prepared and positioned” loudly on repeat.
So, I’m not sure. Maybe my word is Kardia or it can be prepared and positioned. Whatever it is, I’m not going to let a word dictate my year. I’m going to be faithfully obedient to God.
Witness through Fitness
Why am I sharing this? Because while I was surviving life. I lost confidence in who I am and I stopped doing what I love to do and that is “Witnessing through fitness”. I miss teaching classes, and moving my body while sharing God’s Word. Whether I am “kardia”, “preparing” or being “positioned”. I am going to do what God has called me to do. Share the gospel through movement.
FREE Virtual Fitness Classes
I want to invite you to two FREE virtual classes I will be offering throughout the winter and spring. I would love for you to join me. Fridays and Saturdays I am offering two different classes. Friday nights at 7:00p ET, I will share what I have called “Integrative movement.” Faithfueled Flow is a power flow class on Integrative Movement. Integrating breath, God’s Word, stretching, core stability, and mobility exercises. Bring your mat and blocks, and let’s flow. No need to register or sign up just click on this link and you’re in. I’ll be there.
Bible & Bootcamps FREE Virtual Classes
If you’re looking for my signature workout Bible & Bootcamps. It’s back! I’ve missed the challenge of a Metabolic Conditioning class of strength, core, and cardio in one God-centered class. Sharing the good news of the gospel to motivate you. Saturday mornings at 8:30a ET. Grab your dumbbells or resistance bands for a 30-minute kick butt, high energy, low impact all fitness level workout to start your day.
It’s been so long that I cannot wait to do what I love to do. I hope you will join me as I overcome the last two years and go back to helping women get stronger and honor their temple. If this resonated with you or the Holy Spirit put someone on your heart to share this post or this link and they can join too.