Get Strong Series Day 4: Glutes


Psalm 61:3 ESV 

For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy.

Why do we seek comfort in things that don’t sustain us?  

I have a confession. Many times I have sought refuge in a donut.  It was in moments of anger,  heartache, disappointment, anxiety, and hurt. My enemy comes in both physical and emotional forms. Every bite gave me no relief, and the pleasure of a Boston Cream was over within minutes, but the hurt still remained. In our hips and glutes, we often hold rejection.  We don’t even realize it sometimes that we are contracting our glutes when someone hurts us. We hold our pain not only in our hearts but also in our bodies.

We can’t find comfort in things that won’t sustain us.  When we are attacked, it’s harder to fight alone.  In this world, we encounter many enemies.  Not physical people, but sometimes words, others’ actions, and outcomes that don’t go in our favor.  We encounter our enemies, and we need a refuge to recover and fight back. We need something sustaining.  Frankly, we need Jesus.  

When I have sought refuge through prayer, that has brought me greater peace than any donut can.  Although, I’ve thought about the latter when I am being mindful.  Seeking God and not falling into bad habits is where I have found the greatest peace. And sometimes the answer to fighting against my “enemy.” 

My prayer for you today:

Father God,  Help me realize that you are what I need when I have been attacked.  When I am weak, Lord, emotionally and physically, through you, I can have strength.   You are there through every test in my life.  Help me turn to you instead of worldly temptations that don’t sustain nor strengthen me.  My refuge, safety, and peace will always be in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Today’s mediation:

My refuge is in Jesus.

Let’s Reflect:

  1. What are you seeking refuge in that is not giving you the strength that you need?
  2. How can God give you strength to fight your enemies? 
  3. What are you using for comfort instead of turning to God?
  4. How can that change?

Why is glute training important?

Glutes are your foundation. Weak glutes are often the cause of upper and lower body imbalances.  They are considered the most important muscle (other than your heart) in your body for many reasons.  Glutes help you stand; they control your body from moving and are a power source in strength training.  When you have strong glutes, it helps with speed, and stride, in walking and running.  It supports your knees, hips, and back and keeps you balance if you stand on one leg. Glute training and glutes are important.


What are the benefits of glute training?

The benefits of glute training can be experienced relatively quickly. Within 3 weeks of consistent glute training, my clients are amazed at the reduction in tension in their backs.  Glute training also helps support your knees and prevent injury. They propel you forward with power, so the stronger your glutes, the faster you become in movement. It’s great for all activities, whether sports performance or daily living. Glute training should be 3-5 times per week in some capacity.

What exercises you can do to train your glutes?

There are many exercises on the FaithFueled Life App to help you train your glutes. When training your glutes. You want to hit all three glute muscles:

  • Gluteus Maximus
  • Gluteus Medius
  • Gluteus Minimus

Each muscle has a different responsibility in movement.

  • Gluteus Maximus- ABducts Pulls your leg away from your body and controls ADductions when you pull your leg towards your body. Think of a jumping jack; ABduct is open, and the ADduct is closed. It also stabilizes the hips, creating stabilization for your neck, shoulders, knees, and ankles. It has a BIG or MAXIMUM job. wink wink. You also use it to extend your hips like in a hinge for a deadlift.
  • Gluteus Medius- is smaller than the gluteus Maximus and if not, the target can become imbalanced because your glute Maximus will take over other hip muscles, and it will become overactive. As a Corrective exercises specialist, I often offer my clients exercises to train their glute medius.  It helps them to improve their squat, which in lifestyle gives them a better range of motion sitting and standing.Including this training in your lower body or glute-focus workout plan is important.  The glute medius produces two movements, It allows you to turn your thigh inward or internally rotate, and it helps your leg ABduct or pulls away from your body. The glute medius is also responsible for stabilizing your pelvis while walking and standing.
  • Gluteus Minimus- is the smallest muscle of the trio and assists the gluteus medius in pelvis stabilization and hip abduction.

Here is a bonus of 21 Hip & Glute exercises to add to your weekly routine. Suppose you are looking for a workout plan that includes all you need to train for strength and longevity.  You should check out the FaithFueledLife App and become a community member.


Educational Video

Workout Video


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