100 Healing Foods: Find Wellness in Good for you food
Full Disclosure
There are detoxes, fast, nutritional plans, and programs out there to help remedy a common ailment in American culture, and that is gut health but not as much emphasis on the healing foods that already exist. No one talks about the healing food that God gave us. Daily there is more and more information shared about how to heal your gut. I often have written about my own gut health journey. Four years on this journey, and I am finally at a point where I can say I have good gut health, and I want to help others.
As a certified personal trainer and certified fitness nutrition specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, it is out of my scope of practice to diagnose or offer treatment for any gut ailments. I also out of good conscious would recommend you see a professional doctor, nutritionist, and registered dietician.
This post is to inform you of factual information on foods that can help improve your gut health. Adding these foods to your diet in proper portions have been proven to help.
My Journey to Healing
When I began my weight loss journey. I often suffered from upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, constant bloating, gas. I also had severe seasonal allergy symptoms like itchy watery eyes, postnasal drip, relentless cough. When I ate food, I would get severe stomach cramps, headaches, and lethargic. It came to a point where I didn’t want to eat for fear of the reaction.
All the Test
I also was eating healthy foods like yogurt, cottage cheese, cream of wheat, and whole wheat grains. Finally, I sought a doctor for help. We started with blood tests for multiple gastrointestinal issues. We tried an elimination diet of dairy products, which subsided some symptoms; I had allergy testing for foods and pollens. All to conclude that I didn’t have Celiacs, I was lactose intolerant, I had an allergy to wheat and a couple of pollens that were found in fruits like pineapples. Who knew?
Becoming my Advocate
Then I went on my advocacy. I attended IDEA World Blog Fest 2016, and Melissa Hartwig of Whole 30 spoke and autographed her new Whole 30 book. I began the successful September start she does every year. After ten restarts of the restrictive diet plan. I was amazed at my results. Not physical but the way my body felt. I was no longer in pain after eating. Food gave me energy instead of making me extremely tired. My mood and clarity had improved, and it felt so good. Until recently, I never realized the power of food until undergoing the almost 50-day journey. (I can be a slow adopter sometimes).
I also saw changes in my complexion, hair, and nails, and I was hooked. After the Whole 30 Program, I was aware of food effects on my body. As I added grains back in, I realized that not all foods served my body well. Other people, it’s okay, but for my digestive symptoms, it was a trigger. Here I am four years later, and I am fully aware of what I can eat and shouldn’t eat.
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink;
or about your body, what you will wear. Is life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”
Matthew 6:25
You can’t live life on a diet.
There is so much to concern yourself with than what you are going to eat. Adding foods that are going to nourish your body and reducing or eliminating the food that is sustaining your body are two different things. Quick heat and eat processed foods are maintaining your body, meaning they are giving you calories that are needed. Food that is nutrient-dense fuels your body and gives it the nutrients it needs to be at optimal performance. Rather than keeping it fed so you can continue to go.
What I eat
I eat a lot of food but its mostly good food. The foods that I do eat include chips, donuts, french fries, and other C.R.A.P food from time to time, but I mostly eat foods that nourish my body, and that’s what I usually crave good food. I am still exploring and trying because I am just curious, but when it’s all said and done, God gave us everything we need to survive. If we eat the healing foods God gave us in the amount that we should can not only heal you, but it can help you reach your goals.
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“For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it consecrated by the Word of God and prayer.” 1 Timothy 4:4
We all know what to eat when to eat and how much, but what about the why?
Food has a purpose, and if you use it for fuel, you wouldn’t have to be on a diet. You wouldn’t crave the things that didn’t serve you because, ultimately, your cravings are your body’s way of alerting you of what it needs. Eating a nutritious diet or what I call a biblically-based diet will help you overcome your cravings, burn fat, resolve gut ailments, and honor your temple.
So, I put together six categories of foods that can help improve your adding theses F.O.O.D.S and removing C.R.A.P will help heal your gut, body, and mind. Making a lifestyle change and adding these 100 Healing foods will help you honor your temple and serve your body well.
Healing foods to add to your diet
Gut Health
Digestive disorders are prevalent but often not spoken about because we learn to keep potty talk in the potty in kindergarten. The gut is known as the second brain regulating your mental and physical health by cells found in the gut microbiome. Keeping a balance of “good” bacteria and “bad’ bacteria.
People with an imbalance of too much “bad” bacteria often are diagnosed with diseases like; Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which my blood test had ruled out Praise God. There is a link between gut bacteria and high cholesterol, which can cause heart disease. It has also been linked to kidney disease.
Gut Microbiome
The gut microbiome has also been linked to affecting the way you feel, the way your brain process information you gather from your five senses. There are currently studies being done to see the effect your gut microbiome has on diseases like autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, depression. It’s also being studied to see if there is an association between the gut microbiome and chronic pain. It is so important to keep your gut healthy.
An Unhealthy balance in your gut has been associated with heart disease, obesity or weight gain, kidney disorders, depression, and anxiety. So feeding your gut healthy foods can help your overall wellness. Reducing and eliminating processed food that has artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, and adding gut-healthy foods can begin the journey to improve gut health.
Inflammation is the way our bodies’ immune system defends itself. Without inflammation, our organization would not fight off diseases and treat wounds. The problem is not the initial inflammation. It’s the prolonged inflammation or if there is inflammation in the body that is not needed. Chronic inflammation can lead to severe diseases like stroke, heart diseases, autoimmune disorders like lupus. So reducing the unwanted inflammation is ideal. Many of the processed foods that we consume cause unnecessary inflammation-reducing these healing foods, and adding an anti-inflammatory diet can help.
I am all about Prebiotics this year since learning of the necessity for optimal gut health. Prebiotics are fibers that the body cannot digest, but they are food for probiotics that help support gut bacteria. Think of prebiotics as probiotics food. Adding these healing foods to your diet can be beneficial to feed the probiotics in your body.
Probiotics are live bacteria that serve your gut to help it digest well; they are considered helpful in the digestive process.
Hormonal Balancing
Did you know that we have over 100 hormones in the body that are constantly checking and balancing each other? The American lifestyle is wreaking havoc on our hormones. It is so involved, and you have to consider what you eat, the chemicals you put on your body, or use to clean your surroundings, your stress level, and contraception methods. All are factors in a balanced hormone. Hormone imbalance can affect you in so many ways. Your sleep, skin, energy level, digestion, brain clarity, mood, weight, appetite, headaches, mental health, aging process, and so much more. Hormonal balancing takes multiple steps and has so many contributing factors, but one unanimous suggestion is diet change helps balance hormones. Removing sugar and adding these foods into your diet can help you to better hormonal balance.
There are foods that you can eat that can naturally increase your metabolism and burn fat. “Diet-induced” thermogenesis is, which is the process of the body utilizing the food that it has eating and converting those calories to heat. It’s a tiny percentage, but it’s an additional boost to your physical activity calorie burn by eating the right food. Post or pre-workout is also another consideration for the timing to eat these foods.
Healing Foods
Foods can be your friend or foe, but ultimately, what you put in your body affects how you feel. I would encourage you to add a few, some, or all of these foods to your diet. They will ultimately help your body operate at its best. I wouldn’t try to do all 100 foods at once but check off the ones you do eat and eat more of that and then add a new food every week. Some you will love, and some you will detest, but at least your making an effort to be well.
What is the most shocking food that you see on this list? Do you think you could add some of these foods to your diet?
That is true that we cannot live being on a “diet” all time. It’s really important to find what foods work for your body and learn how to feel the best for you
I couldn’t agree more.
So much great information in this post – thank you so much for sharing!
I thin that I need to try to do an elimination diet to see what foods do and do not agree with me.
It’s been very helpful in my journey finding foods that agree with me.
💕💕💕💕 Great advice & knowledge.
What a comprehensive list! Thanks De. I also appreciate you incorporating God’s words. Our pastor’s sermon yesterday focused on God’s goodness and all that he created is good 🙂
Great informative post! The right foods can be healing. I can definitely add a lot of these foods to my grocery list.
Absolutely love your post. So much of important information in a concise post. Thank you so much. I can use this guide to improve my diet.
I don’t think any of these foods are shocking. Sourdough bread is maybe a little weird, but not unreasonably so. I now attribute all my good health to all the garlic, cocoa and coffee I consume LOL!
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