I’m Back-Running in the Super Run Philadelphia


I DID IT! I also had a blast doing it. I ran my first 5k in 9 months. I used to run 5ks on a regular basis about three years ago but after having my last daughter and life running took a back seat.  I miss it so much; I didn’t realize until I barely trained for this 5k.  I have to admit I did not train well, but I liked to think that my weekly HIIT and Tabata gave me the endurance I needed to run the race mostly.  I did stop twice to walk but picked back up very quickly and surprised myself with an almost 39 minute 5k.  Now, I will admit it was my worst time so far but having ran a 1 mile twice before and did almost zero cardio in over 11 months I think I did awesome and even if I didn’t the experience was great.

The Super Run

The Real Results of a 5k

The Super Run is a 5k run for charity where you get to dress up like Super Heroes and run through the Philadelphia Navy Yard.  My family came, and it was a great inspiration for young and old.  This race was the first that my husband attended, and I have done at least 8 or 9, he isn’t a long distance runner, but he said the atmosphere was motivating. My 12-year-old daughter who was supposed to run with me but then once she realized it was over 3 miles bailed on me now wants to run a 5k with me.  The memories that are going to create is worth it alone, and my little ones had a blast bouncing in the bounce house.

The SuperRun

The Playlist

All week I had meant to create a playlist for the run.  I have to have music when I run long distance, and I just go into the mental head space you need to accomplish feats you don’t usually accomplish.  I bought new headphones because I don’t know about you but we have about 5 or 6 pairs of headphones and only one side works on all.  Got me a new armband for my phone I was ready, but I had forgotten to make a playlist.  Music is critical for running. I knew it was going to take me at least 40 minutes that was my goal, hindsight I was just shy of my goal, Godcidental? I think not. The morning of the race I got up early like I always do, did my devotional, got two divas and myself ready for the 5k run. Made breakfast for the crew and jumped in the car to be there ready to run and on time.  As soon as I got over the bridge heading into Philadelphia, I realized my one to-do that I had put off all week did not get done.  So, I pieced together what I later found out was the most motivating inspirational playlist I’ve ever created.  No need to skip a song or anything every time I need something to pick me up to keep my pace, tell me that I was strong and I could do it or just glorify God for getting to my place it played as if I had planned it out just perfectly.  My haphazardness worked in my favor.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


The Experience

I know I already told you that we got to dress up like Super Heroes and run through the streets but did I tell you that we got a cape too! That was great feeling the cape wisping at your back as you struggled (I struggled to get to the 2-mile mark) and like everything that I do God was real with me. I prayed the morning of the race and right before it started, asking God to give me the endurance, strength and determination to finish strong and of course, he did even better. I hit the 2-mile mark, and I thought I can just stop for a minute I was listening to my “Gangsta” Christian Rap music and the song, my new motivation song started blasting in my ears “Be Relentless,” By Vicktory & R4. Now just listening to the words motivated me to slow my pace but keep moving forward. I knew I had to get just a little bit further, and I would get there and become relentless and push a little bit further. I think that is another thing I miss about running pushing yourself past the limit you set for yourself. I ran differently than I every have I ran with God. When I felt out of breath, I prayed for inspiration, strength and endurance. I used to run as a form of meditation, this time, it was a kind of devotion.

Finding God in the Moment

I am horrible at scripture memorization. I do not do well with memorizing words, numbers I am great, words, quotes, scripture not so much but I can remember the passage very well and then read it. During my run two verse came to mind exactly right one I have been trying to memorize since the beginning of the year. It is my Bible verse for the year and every time I thought I could do no more it popped in my head encouraging me to focus on the task ahead and God,

Proverbs 4:25-27 

25 Look straight ahead,
    and fix your eyes on what lies before you.
26 Mark out a straight path for your feet;
    stay on the safe path.
27 Don’t get sidetracked;
    keep your feet from following evil.

TheSuper Run.

As my feet pound and my heart race this verse kept repeating itself in my head.  I wasn’t willing to give up as quickly as I thought with God being on my cheer wagon pushing me and cheering me on.  Another verse came up at the end of the race.  I had a strong finish I sprinted faster and harder than I have ever sprinted, I just wanted it to be over and the fastest way to get there were my feet, so I booked it.  When I passed the finish line I didn’t know if I was going to puke or pee (I know too much info but its the truth).  When I caught my breath, and my daughter came running towards me to congratulate me and clear as day I heard:

Isaiah 40:31 But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

I am not sure if that was a coincidence since I had looked it up early in my devotion that morning or Godcidence because I did feel like I was going to faint but it’s exactly what I needed and a memorable way to finish the race. Until this year, I have never used my faith to help me with my workout, but I have found lots of different instances where I felt connected to God through working out, fitness and achieving goals. Someone asked me recently if I think that faith could be a part of fitness, and I believe that they are not only connected they are now inseparable for me.

Have you ever pushed yourself past the limit? What helped you motivate yourself?

11 Comments on “I’m Back-Running in the Super Run Philadelphia”

  1. You are amazing! I don’t think even at your age I could have done it. The Proverb verses are important ones to remember. I needed the reminder to keep from being sidetracked.

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