What About Me (time)?
1 Timothy 4:8
For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.
As a Mom of three little diva’s (Divine, Inspirational, Virtuous, Anointed). I find that daily “Me” time with the Lord is essential to raising them, but short little momcation is a bonus. I used to fill every aspect of the day to managing my household. My only break would be a few necessary bathroom breaks, a quick shower or maybe five hours of sleep that I would get each night. That would leave me spent, stressed, resentful and often a “not nice” mommy often.
My middle daughter often says “What-about-me;” it’s one word for her. Anytime her sister gets something, does something, or goes somewhere; My Lailah pipes up, “Whataboutme?”. During a particular day, where many prayers of patience and wisdom were said, it dawned on me. “Whataboutme”? When do I get me time? What would I do with it? What do I need from it? I need some peace, serenity, clarity and sometimes guidance in my life. Where can I find that for free (therapy is not cheap)? Time with God.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
After rearranging my days, waking up a little earlier. I now start my day off devoting to the Lord for 30 minutes, if I am lucky an hour. The results are amazing. I began reading a chapter of Proverbs and reflecting. Then, I started buying women’s book Bible studies and doing those. Then I graduated to inductively studying books of the Bible. Every morning I retreat to my space on my back porch early in the morning when it’s just me and the birds chirping. There I get exclusive “Me” time with my Father. Pure soul contentedness when I take the time to devote with Jesus gives me the peace the I need to overcome the daily annoyance of mommyhood.
Psalm 95:6 Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;
We are taught to spend time in our Bible daily, but when I devote for 30 minutes in the morning somehow, it gives me the tools to use later that day. Sometimes it is exactly what I need other times it is exactly what I am going to need.
2 Peter 1:3 His divine power has given us everything needed for life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his glory and goodness.
Now, I don’t feel so warned down, short tempered I can show people and especially my children in the most pivotal moments. I feel like I am a priority in my families life even though sometimes they don’t express their appreciation because I know I am a child of God’s and His priority. That 30 minutes a day fills me up so I can tackle the next 16 hours of hard labor as a little diva’s household manager.
There are still days I am holding on by a prayer (because divas’ can be divas sometimes). Stressful days are less frequent, and I now can show grace. Each morning I am reminded of His grace.
I can show unconditional love and patience with my husband because of the unconditional love and patience God shows my family and me every day. All because I give myself a little me time every day. I feel when honoring your temple it doesn’t mean just to eat right and physical activity. It’s also your mind and your spirit which is an important part of who you are. Those things need nurturing and exercise too.
Colossians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
How do you deal with parenthood stress? Do you get me time and how do you like to spend it?
I can agree that sometimes days get stressful. I am not a mom yet, but when I become one, I am sure they may be even more stressful. I think you are doing it right by starting with God in the mornings. I lays the foundation for your day and He will guide you throughout it.
Amen! Life is stressful with or without children but God is the Ultimate Stress Reliever.
Motherhood is very stressful, and so all consuming. As a single Mom, me time is very very rare for me.
But it’s the most important, You cannot pour from an empty cup and even if its for 10 minutes I encourage and pray for you to make it a priority. I pray that you are able to find some time for you.
Trying to do everything for everyone is a destroyer of peace and joy, isn’t it! I have had to draw a line and claim quiet space just to get anything done. But there is rejuvenation in taking time with God.
Yes, I completely agree!
How wonderful! For me, it too, makes all the difference in my day to start off with God right away. Praise be to God that you found that time together with Him in the morning. By the way, your divas are adorable!
Yes, it was a game changer for me everyone benefits from my time with God. Thank you so much for your kind words!
We have family devotions in the morning, so I try to spend time focusing on Scripture when my son is napping or after both children go to bed.
We have family devotions as well we are going through “Long Story Short” By Marty Machowski and I am teaching my two older daughters how to inductively study the Bible too. I think it’s good to plan the word in their little hearts. I don’t think the time of day you get to put in but the fact that you put it in whatever your Me time may look like.
What a great way to start your day! I just love this!
I remember those days. It’s just hard to be grumpy when you’ve just spent time with the God of the Universe–our own Heavenly Father.
Thank you for spending your mommy time in the morning with being with Jesus and spending time with our Lord. <3 Starting the day like that really puts the rest of the day into a posture of worship. Thank you for this reminder. It was really convicting and precious. To God be the glory!
Praise God that I could be a light and a reminder.
It is SO important to get that time in to worship. I take the time in the morning before everyone gets up also. I can really feel the difference in my day when I don’t. I am a much better mother and wife when I have spent time with the Father,
I have an AM/PM routine where I spend time focusing on positive things (motivational videos, etc.) and devotions/scriptures. I want the first and last things I do each day to reflect positivity so that I can be armed with the right tools to function throughout the day. I also like to take extra ME time while I’m running errands. Taking a leisurely walk around the store, instead of rushing to get everything off my list helps give me a breather!