5 Ways to Detox your Skincare

Detox your skincare routine to improve so many aspects of your health from hormone imbalances, to the effect on your weight loss. Your skincare routine is probably one of the essential things in your wellness.

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Your skincare affects everything, including your weight loss.

Our toxic intake is sabotaging our weight loss efforts! What if I told you that your lotion is causing you to gain weight? What if I said to you that what you put on your body; or absorb from the environment that you live in will negate a “clean eating diet?”

If you’re washing your dishes with chemical-laden dish detergent, then eating or drinking out of those dishes is directly going into your bloodstream. Something that seems harmless such as your shampoo bottle ingredient labeled “fragrance,” can contain over 4,000 compounds of toxic chemicals. Why is this allowed you asked? Because beauty products and skincare are under-regulated in the United States.

Honoring your temple is more than food and exercise.

When considering honoring your temple, people completely forget the mind, which is crucial. They also neglect the outside of the body other than their appearance. When you think of a healthy lifestyle or honoring your temple, you immediately associate it with your fitness and nutrition, but there is so much more.

Your Morning Routine is to blame

Just think about your daily hygiene routine.

Bathing: you use soap, lotion, deodorant, possibly shampoo and conditioner, and maybe even perfume or fragrance.

You brush your teeth with plastic toothbrush and toothpaste, which has small traces but still toxic chemicals. You may use the product to style your hair.

Even your Makeup can be affecting your weight loss.

Makeup? And you are putting all of these products on the most significant organ of your body or in your mouth.  The concept of skin absorption is not new; there are nicotine patches, birth control patches, even appetite suppressants.

That’s because the largest organ in our body is also the most vulnerable when it comes to toxic absorption. Some of these chemicals are having adverse effects on your weight loss efforts.

toxic intake

What is a toxin?

I think a precise definition of what I mean by toxin is needed too. Toxins can cover a broad range of things-there are internal toxins, which are normal standard bodily functions that God has designed in us to eliminate through our kidney and livers.

Then there are external toxins from pesticides, industrial chemicals, mercury, and so much more. These are the toxins that I am referring to.  These are the toxins that are building up in our bodies and leading our organs to become overworked, causing illness and weight gain.  These toxins are absorbed into our bloodstream through our skin, mouth, nose, and then stored in our fat cells.

How do toxins affect weight loss?

When we go to lose fat and weight, the stored toxins in the fat cells are released into our body and then causes our metabolism to slow down. Adverse effects of cellular structure happen too, which also causes illness’ such as cancer.

There have been hundreds of studies on the chemical toxins and the effects on your body during weight loss. The Obesity Review in 2003, researchers concluded that pesticides and Polychlorinated biphenyls, also known as PCBs (from industrial pollution), poison our metabolism when they are released from the stored fat tissue.

What can I do to reduce my toxin intake?

I could go on and on about the adverse effects that we are doing to our body daily, but I encourage you to research for yourself.

You will be shocked at what is really in your lotions and body care products and what they are doing to your body slowly but surely.

Here are some recommendations on

Five ways to detox your skincare and reduce your toxic intake.

1. Reduce and minimize your toxic intake.

Easier said than done, right? Eat foods that minimally process, organic foods, drink filtered water (which is a post in the making about our water filters), foods that don’t contain “food additives,” foods that are free of hormonesantibiotics, artificial sweeteners, artificial food colors, or artificial flavorings that were not initially found in the food. Let’s take it back to nature what God provided before we modified it to look or taste more appealing. Eat Biblically Based!

2. Get rid of toxins through sweat!

Exercise regularly, the use of saunas healthily and safely. Pesticides and heavy metals can be excreted through your skin by sweating. Did you know that workers at Ground Zero after 9/11 were treated through sweating in saunas to eliminate the toxins that were absorbed while they were working?

3.Detox through food.

I have detoxed by eating foods after unwise choices. Usually, I do it for three days at a time. There are a variety of foods that can help you do this. Make sure you follow step 1 when choosing the types of foods. Cruciferous vegetables like: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, dandelion greens, cilantro, garlic, citrus peels and cocoa (definitely remember step 1 when choosing your cocoa) and drinking green tea can help detox your body.


Your body is designed by God to flush itself, and people fail to realize that water helps flush fat, which is where the toxins are stored, so it is a great way to detoxify your body.

5. Be conscious of the products that you use.

My family uses Giovanni for our shampoo and conditioner- its made of sulfite-free products and all-natural no synthetic chemicals. We use coconut oil for our lotion, Unrefined virgin coconut oil; that’s it. We use White Birch because of the ingredients, and it works well and doesn’t taste awful like other toothpaste.  Something that I have struggled with is finding a natural deodorant.  You apply your deodorant so close to your lymph nodes and with the high absorption rate and frequency of application. It is something that I am conscious I need to find, but I haven’t found one that works or irritate my skin, as of yet, but I am still searching.

Unfortunately, we will never be completely toxin-free, not in the world that we have tainted from God’s original creation. But we can reduce our exposure and rid ourselves as much as possible.  This will help with not only weight loss but also with our complete health and help us to honor our temples.

Have you ever considered your body care products to be toxic? What are some things that you have done to reduce your toxin intake?




8 Comments on “5 Ways to Detox your Skincare”

  1. Wow. This is so informative. I have never thought so deeply & thoroughly about all of those products. Great tips & recommendations. Loving this article.

  2. Pingback: Understanding Your Hormones ⋆ FaithFueled™ Mom

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