What motivates you?
What Motivates You?
The statistics
Brace yourself. According to Rod K. Dishman, Ph.D., director of the Behavioral Fitness Laboratory at the University of Georgia, nearly 50 percent of people who begin an exercise program drop out within the first six months. The question is, “Why?” What is it about sticking with a fitness routine that causes many people to abandon it?
The answer? Motivation. They don’t want health and fitness badly enough. It is a simple fact of human psychology that if we want something badly enough, we’ll do everything we can to get it.
Your challenge is to find out what motivates you to get serious about fitness and stick with it.
Unlocking your motivation
Some people have found that money was the motivation needed to push them out of their comfort zone and into a commitment they previously hadn’t been interested in. Financial incentives can be helpful.
Susan Reece found a different motivation. Told by his doctors that he was minutes away from a heart attack, Susan decided to fight back. Even though she had not been in a gym in 30 years, she turned his life around and eventually became a finisher in an Ironman competition.
You do not have to be part of that 50 percent who quit. You can stay committed and finish strong. It is all about finding what motivates you personally.
Here are some possible motivators for you.
1. Do it for your health. Regular exercise and healthy eating are the two very best things you can do for your health. You will develop a strong and healthy heart, reduce your chances of many cancers, prevent diabetes, keep a sharp mind and resist dementia and avoid many of the common ailments that come with aging. It is possible to age without decay, and the key to this is exercise and eating well.
2. Do it to reflect how you feel. Appearance isn’t everything, but most of us care how we look. A strong and healthy person looks good. And it isn’t all physical. Your demeanor will change as you develop the confidence that comes from the discipline of fitness. You will appear more energetic and confident because you will be more energetic and confident!
3. Do it to relieve stress. Really! It isn’t a cliché. Exercising does cause physical changes in your brain and nervous system that result in feelings of calmness and well-being. You may get so hooked on the mental benefits of exercise that you will crave it!
4. Do it to be strong. If you have never done focused weight training, you have no idea of the total transformation you will feel after just a few weeks. There is nothing like bending over to pick something up that normally results in discomfort, strain, and even pain, only to find out that it is a piece of cake! And by getting strong now, you reduce your risk of age-related falls and fractures because you have the core strength and balance to keep yourself stable.
5. Do it to honor the one temple God gave you. It’s a powerful thing when you unite your faith with your fitness. Exercise as devotion can take your workout experience to a new level—a new commitment and ultimately taking care of the body God has given you.
“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice–the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.” Romans 12:2
So, this is my second favorite time of year because everyone else is on the same motivation to take care of their bodies for at least six weeks. Their motivation is all different, and some will succeed. Some will begin an amazing transformative journey. Others will try and fail.
It is worth taking the time to discover the powerful motivators in your life. Don’t worry about ‘bribing’ yourself: do what it takes to get yourself moving. Find out what makes sweating worth it. Find out what you want more than that brownie. Your health is at stake; in fact, your very life is at stake. It’s time to transform yourself.
Which one will you be this year, a Success story or another attempt? What’s stopping you? If it’s a direction, I would love to lead you into a Happy Healthy New Year. This year it is my intention to make tools accessible for people to honor their temple. Let’s help you honor your temple and live a healthier lifestyle!
Be Blessed,
De Bolton, Your FaithFueled™ Mom