Encouraged by “Grace looks amazing on you”

Grace looks amazing on you is a 100 day devotional with personal stories, scriptures, and reflections of God’s grace. Such an excellent book for encouragement.

I received the Grace looks Amazing on your 100 Day Devotional for free to review and post. Although, I received the devotional as a gift. My opinions are my own. My Full Disclosure Policy

Searching for Amazing Grace amongst Anxiety

Anxiety has risen high in the last two weeks for me, and when fear creeps in, that is a sure sign that I am not intimately concerning Christ. I’m doing it on my own, and I am not that strong in the gym and especially mentally.  That is what has appealed so much to me in Christ is peace.  Peace from the worry, what if’s, racing thoughts, problematic outcomes, the world is ending scenarios that can plague my dark mind.  But where there is light, there can be no darkness, and that is how I know that I am not leaning on Christ.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

Grace looks amazing on you, not self-reliance.

Because I want to be in control, I want to understand, and I want to know the end of all this, but it’s not for me to know.  I am to abide and trust in Him.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;” Proverbs 3:5

Every day I wakeup a sinner saved by grace and; Without God, my sinful nature will always take over my second nature, and here we are now.  I am all over the place with my moods, either enthusiastic or utterly incapable of functioning.  I need Jesus!


You can find amazing grace through prayer.

Prayer is an immediate peace provider for me. Its the ultimate remedy for my anxious thoughts, but I also need time in the Word. I was learning more about the heroic story of Jesus how He died for me because He loved me like no other.  

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

God revealing His amazing grace

Right now, with my Online Bible Study group, which was a thing that a group of friends and I did before COVID began.  We are almost a year into studying the Word together online.  In late February, throughs God’s urging, we decided to explore the book of Hebrews.  As we slowly navigate through Hebrews, I am deeply reminded of God’s divine plan from the beginning of existence. His love and His amazing grace.

Grace looks Amazing on you 100 Day Devotional Book

I am also reading a devotional that I received as a gift from Amy Sieffert called grace looks amazing on you; it is a breath of fresh air. Every morning I am reminded that despite my hot mess, I am His masterpiece. His love is unconditional, and that is something that I need to hear these days as anxious thoughts tell me differently.  This devotional is so relatable as Amy shares her failures and God’s redemption through it all. I often think of the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus as my redemption, but I am being redeemed in Christ every day.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Lamentations 3:22-23

Grace looks amazing on you as a daily devotion.

Each day begins with a Scripture and a personal incident Amy where she was able to see the grace of God.  As a mother of three unpredictable girls, it’s kind of refreshing to see Amy’s take on the struggles of motherhood and that we’re not alone in our insecurities and mishaps.  It has been such a blessing to get deeply study God’s Word through Hebrews, and to have this grace Looks amazing on you devotional every morning. It is a 100-day devotional.

This is an excellent gift for the woman in your life that needs to be reminded that although she is flawed, she is ultimately loved by Him. I am not a medical or mental doctor, but I do believe in the power of God, but I want to say it does not replace a mental health specialist if you need to speak to someone.  I was in therapy for many years for my anxiety and have gotten many tools to help cope.  

We need to invest in our mental health.

We have to honor our temples inside and out, especially now, and if you need help in any area. Spirit, mind, and body, I want to encourage you to seek them out.

Amy Sieffert has a giveaway for her book happening until 5/10/20, so enter to win. Make sure you come through here and get the opportunity to see God’s amazing grace through Amy’s eyes and encouragement through her book.

Is there a favorite devotional you have when you are anxious?


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