Roller Coaster of Peace
When things look bad
Have you ever had one of those “Rotten, terrible, no good, very bad days?” Weeks? Months? I have to say that most days I am highly blessed and favored.Then there are those few moments in life where I feel like God was working on something or someone else that day? week? and sometimes even months? I know better but sometimes I let my feelings rule. On those days my annoyances get in the way it’s very hard to see anything else. The way I handled those days before Jesus is much different than how I would handle it today.
James 1:2-4 (NIV) Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
What to do on the bad days
Say you had one of those days when by the time you eat lunch you are begging for a do over. Scared to proceed because you are asking yourself, “How could this day get any worse?” Just as you completed your thought the unthinkable happens; it gets worse. Sometimes, on days like this the old me, the before Jesus me, comes out. I react with anger, anxiety, frustration, and get myself all worked up over things I have no control over. When I react like that I make bad decisions which go against who I am now with God. I never achieve God’s purpose. This is when I need to take steps to walk in God’s peace before I fly off the handle. God can handle anything, even the up’s and down’s of my emotions and He is there to give me peace when I can’t find it within myself.
Philippians 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always,. I will say it gain: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do no be anxious about anything but in every situations, by prayer and petitions with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in the Christ Jesus.
Steps to Walk in God’s Peace
1. Rejoice be happy in any and all circumstances. Sometimes it seems as if it can’t get any worse but trust me and it can. God is allowing you to be right where you are just for a moment; it may seem longer but if you look at the grand scheme of eternity we are only here for a moment. These blips are just a micro second in time even if the blips go on for months and months. Praise Him for His way is always better than your own and He will get you through whether you deserve it or not.
2. Be Gentle to those around you, you can sometimes blame them or take things out on them but that is not showing God’s love nor making the situation any better. Be gentle to show those around you God’s way.
3. Recognize His Presence I find this probably the hardest part when you are in the thick of the muck. Psalms 73:23 says: “Yet I am always with you;you hold me by my right hand.” God is always with you and is your right hand even if you don’t feel His presence recognize that its that there.
4. Pray If I forget the previous three steps I always know to pray; no matter where I am emotionally God’s peace always takes over me in prayer. His grace and His goodness will get me through anything even if my prayers are not answered immediately, just the peace I receive from prayer allows me to make better decisions.
Psalms 139:23-24 Search me God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way me; and lead me in the way everlasting.
Up’s and Down’s of Faith
My faith is like a seesaw at the playground; as I get to know the Lord more, my faith goes up. Then the old me can react badly and can jump on the other end but I will continue to look to Him for my balance and peace. Every situation and circumstances is giving me more maturity in the Lord to learn how to persevere. He knows what we need to bring us peace in every situations. How do you handle a stressful day? How did you used to handle it or is it the same?
Thanks for reminding me of this. De!
Hey De,
It’s nice to know that I’m not alone on this seesaw. Our family is in a stage of life where we are taking on more jobs and projects than is healthy for us, but this also seems to be what we have to do to keep our family going during this season of life. It can be frustrating at times, and Jenny and I often wonder what God is up to in our family.
I like the list you put together, and we are using many similar strategies. Taking care of ourselves, looking out for each other, and taking time to laugh and enjoy the many blessings that we do have are some other things that are working well for us. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and know that you are in ours.
I empathize with you because my husband and I prayed for thus season, yet we don’t seem equipped without God. It’s such a blessing because we need it to get through but it’s very draining. I will be praying for the Jurchenko family for peace,guidance,provision and wisdom. Thank you for your continued support and prayers Jed.
We all have the ups and downs, and it always seems as if when the rain comes is storms! This is a wonderful reminder of how to make it though the storm without being bitter or angry. Great post!
Bitter is easy. I don’t do easy I’m a Jesus Girl haha. Thank you for reading!
Excellent post! I needed this reminder today! When I’m feeling low or down about my faith, God knows my heart. He is always faithful to send me reminders via my devotional and even social media. Today, I was not only encouraged by your post but by an archived episode of my online talk show. Thanks FB memories! 🙂 These reminders open the door for me to take the steps you’ve outlined. I can have peace because I know that He loves me and is guiding me every step of the way; even if I feel lost. Thanks for sharing!
That feeling of lost can be so daunting especially when you thought,just a moment ago, I know what path I’m taking and then BAM! Detour. It’s all apart of the learning curve and He is faithful,sovereign, and always has our best interest at heart. I will pray for you Sis!
The circumstances of life can most definitely make us flop back and forth is we allow them too. Your list is great because it keeps us focused on the one who can stablize us and tip us in the direction of joy!
Thank you!
I love the idea to recognize his presence! So powerful when we do
Yes, it is!