Raw “Caramel” Bites


Lately, all I have been posting is recipes and this blog is about food but not exclusively.  It’s just been a very busy season lately. With spring my little diva’s are in sports like lacrosse which are a huge time commitment. and I went back to school to get my second degree in Fitness and Exercise Science and Advanced Personal Training which is a big time commitment.I have a toddler which is a big time commitment. Needless to say my thoughts, although I still have them have been fleeting and I have no time to capture them and post but I am working on it.   I still have time to dabble in the kitchen though and recipes are just easier to post then thought provoking inspirational post. Those for now are captured in my journal till I can figure out a way to make some time to publish regularly here. So please forgive me for overwhelming you with my kitchen experiments and favorite recipes. I promise I will get to some juicy content very soon as soon as I figure out how to navigate this season of life better.

Anyways, this weekend I was meal prepping and something that I had saw on Facebook hand inspired me (yes, I make time to scroll through social media but not post. I know I need to prioritize) moving on. You know those “Recipe Video’s” that every day become more popular. Its a 45 second video clip of someone making an amazing looking treat, meal or whatever. There are a few pages that are very well know and popular. Anyways, I was scrolling and I saw one from Food Matters for a Raw Caramel Slice. It looked delicious and I mental noted and shared it to my timeline to make in the future.  The future came last Saturday, I was meal planning and I decided for a treat to add the ingredients to my grocery list.



Now, have you every actually attempted to make one of those video clip foods? I don’t know about you but mine don’t always turn out how the video did. For some reason I think it takes them a lot longer than 45 seconds to make them in real life, ha ha. No, but there is always something a little off about the recipe when I attempt it.   This one I found SUCCESS and it was oh so delicious success.  In hindsight I would change the measurement of one ingredient and add one ingredient (which I did in the recipe here)  but other than that it was simple and actually looks like the last shot in the video clip.  I also would highly recommend it and so would my toddler (please excuse the hair it was Sunday, wash and twist night at my house). If you’re looking for a naturally sweetened chocolate indulgence that requires no baking this is the treat for you. This is my adaptation of the Raw Caramel Slice. Please give it a try and let me know what you think?

RawCacaoBites Steps



Raw Cacao “Caramel” Bites

Raw Cacao “Caramel” Bites


  • Base
  • 1/2c. almonds
  • 6 Medjool dates pitted
  • 2 Tbsp. melted Coconut Oil
  • 1/4c. Raw Cacao Powder
  • 1/8 tsp (just a drop) of Almond Extract
  • "Caramel" layer
  • 10 pitted Medjool Dates
  • 2 Tbsp of melted coconut oil
  • 4 Tbsp. of Tahini
  • 2 Tbsp. of Maple Syrup
  • 2 Tsp of Vanilla
  • Chocolate Layer
  • 1/4c. Raw Cacao Powder
  • 1/4 C. Melted Coconut Oil
  • 1/4c. Pure Maple Syrup
  • 2 tsp. Vanilla Extract


  1. Base Layer
  2. Using a food processor, process base ingredients until sticky crumble forms. Spread evenly over a lined dish. Place into freezer while you make "caramel" layer.
  3. "Caramel" Layer
  4. Process until smooth and creamy-ish. Spread evenly over base and replace into the freezer 30 minutes.
  5. Top Chocolate Layer
  6. In a medium bowl, mix chocolate ingredients together well with whisk. Pour evenly over caramel layer and place back in the freezer to set for 15 minutes.
  7. Remove 5 minutes before serving and store in freezer up to 2 months. It gets soft quick so be conscious of that when serving and eating.
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