5 Essentials Oils for Virtual Learning

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Back to School looks different this time because our daughters are “remote learning.” Our family chose the remote learning box, and now I am questioning my sanity. I was until I experienced my “never will I ever.”  I am sure many of us have said, “never will I ever homeschool my children.” When we were given the option of sending our girls to school or remote learning despite knowing that we were embarking on a challenge, we decided to educate our eleventh, seventh, and first-grader at home.  

Making the Decision to Remote Learn

It was a decision that we prayed hard.  I was not gifted with patience, but when assessing what was best for our girls. For two out of three, learning for home would be a better environment for them to thrive.  Now I am questioning my survival, and I have some essentials to help with remote learning.

Essential Oils can be used by the family 

Our family uses essential oils daily for purification and mood lifts. I am the “oil” lady without direct sales backing.  I discovered essentials oils through “an education workshop” from a friend. And have been exploring the benefits ever since.

I was raised in a Glade home.  My dad had one in every outlet, sprinkled the carpet refresher every vacuum stroke, and smelled like a different fruit or musky scent from room to room.  When I learned the harmful effects of these deodorizers, I knew I had to find another way.  My exchange essential oils. Not only for the smell but for the benefits from diffusing. Make sure that you get the facts of using essential oils with children before you make the swap. I would check out the adverse effects of deodorizers and air fresheners and try making natural changes.

What are essential oils?

Essential Oils according to dictionary.com any of a class of volatile oils obtained from plants, possessing the odor and other characteristic properties of the plant, used chiefly in the manufacture of perfumes, flavors, and pharmaceuticals. Over the years, the medicinal benefits of these plant extracts have been brought to common knowledge, but some cultures have been working with essentials oils for centuries. 

Essential Oils History 

Some have been dated back as far as 4500 BC,  essential oils derived from plants.  It has been a practice since before modern medicine and something in the last year I have been using to set the mood and tone in the atmosphere of my home.

Essential Oils and atmosphere 

The point of educating my children through remote learning is to provide an atmosphere where they can thrive. Our space is limited in space in my home, so all three girls are in the same room.  We use essential oils to set the tone and atmosphere while they are learning. Make sure you know how to safely diffuse oils before adding them to your daily routine. 

Five oils that are essential to our remote learning is 

1.Cheer Up Buttercup! I diffuse this in the girls’ room when I get up before they wake up.  I have crabby teens, so I am trying to make the most of all my tools.  Cheer Up Buttercup! is an essential oil blend from NOW® Essential Oils.  I prefer oil blends because they save me on buying several oils, and I trust NOW to combine the blend I need.

Think of it as a high spirited energizing oil that lifts the mood.  It is blended with  Bergamot Oil, Orange Oil, Lime Oil, Grapefruit Oil, Lemon Oil and has a refreshing scent. 

2.Focus Oil Blend- we use around 10a. My youngest daughter loves this responsibility and puts it in the diffuser before she logs into school. My youngest begins school later than the older two, and she adds lots of fidgety energy into the room.

When we need the girls to focus and center the room, I use this blend of Lemon Oil, Peppermint Oil,  Orange Oil,  and Frankincense, Lavender, and a minty citrus scent.

3.Peppermint, Lemon, and Lavender  I blend this around one or 2p after lunch.  For a few reasons, my girls usually go outside for 30 minutes to walk the dog in the afternoon. Get them moving, give the dog a walk, and I am guaranteed about 15-20 minutes of solitude until we have to tackle the remainder of the day. This is Mom’s essential.  Fall, our seasonal allergies are awful, so this helps them breathe easily for the rest of the afternoon.

4.Peace and Harmony or Peaceful sleep is diffused at night. My girls don’t have a hard time falling asleep, but this settles the house down.

Peace and Harmony are blended with  Peppermint Oil, Patchouli Oil, Orange Oil, Lavender Oil, Basil Oil. It’s a unique scent of flowers and mint, but it settles the house and calms the atmosphere.

Peaceful sleep is blended with  Orange Oil, Tangerine Oil, Lavender Oil, Chamomile Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil, Sandalwood Oil.  It smells like a citrus floral smell and works well on me. Within minutes, I’m passed out, but since this is about the kids, it works on them too, but seriously,  if your kids have a hard time falling asleep, this will work like a charm and smells good. 

5. We also use Nature’s Shield daily. It’s a purification oil that we use with our hand sanitizer and pretty much every day since COVID! 

Nature’s Shield is the modern take on a well-known and ancient Thieves Oil Vinegar water commonly known to be a good cleanser.  Nature’s Shield from NOW is blended with Clove Bud, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary oils. I think it smells like a fall with its sweet, nutty invigorating scent. 

I have no expectations for this year. It has been entirely out of control. We are doing the best with what we have and feel remote learning is the right choice for our family. 

We have found a schedule, and a rhythm and essential oils are becoming part of our routine. I believe in the power of plants not only for healing but also for nourishment; disinfectant plants are powerful. 

Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:11-12 

Plants are easily renewed and given to us by God. We should tap into their power.

If you want to give NOW Foods, a try take 20% off your purchase with coupon code “FAITHFUELED.”

Do you diffuse essential oils, and do you use them to set the mood in your home?

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