Are your working out dehydrated?

Are you working out dehydrated and don’t even know it? If you are a sedentary person according to National Academy of Sports Medicine, you men need 3 Liters a day and women need 2.2 Liters a day. If you are trying to lose weight, you should drink 8 ounces of water for every 25 pounds that you are overweight which is a little over 3 ounces for every 3 lbs of extra weight you carry.

Is that a gallon? Nope and lots of people are overconsuming water with the gallon mentality. Flooding their systems and causing their organs such as the kidney and liver to become stressed from the additional work that the body doesn’t need. Start off with 2.2 liters of water if you’re a woman and then add 3 ounces for every 3 lbs. You are overweight. That is what you should be drinking unless you live in scorching climates then I recommend more.

Does water consumption change for active people?

Yes, those who aren’t sedentary require more water than those who are also, those who have a high protein diet causes dehydration. Protein needs “seven times the water for metabolism than carbohydrates or fat,” according to NASM. If you have dehydration of a minimum of 3%, it can cause poor performance when exercising. Three percent is very marginal and is why it is important for people who are active to consume water.

You have heard the importance of water. It is essential to our survival and makes up about 60% of the human body weight. You can be nutrient deficient for many years before the detection or affect the body adversely. You can only survive days without water. When you are drinking an adequate amount of water, you are allowing your body to function at its best.

Water is essential because:

  • It helps your endocrine glands operate at a better capacity.
  • It reduces and relieves fluid retention in your body. If your body has enough water, it doesn’t have to hoard the water it does have.
  • Because your body is getting proper water, your liver can function better.
  • When you have the correct amount of water, your body uses MORE fat for energy than it does when dehydrated.
  • You stop feeling thirsty all of the time
  • Your Metabolism functions betters
  • Nutrients are dispersed properly in your body
  • Your body temperature becomes more routine versus extreme hots and cold temperatures

More Water = Better Performance

I say said, “more water” not too much water. You must hydrate the body properly is very adaptable in most circumstances, but when it comes to dehydration, your body has a hard time coping. Just as little as a 20% fluid loss can offset your circulatory functions and reduce your performance. Practicing consistent daily exercise, water, and food consumption will regulate your body and allow you to gauge your hydration.

You can not rely on thirst alone as an indicator if you are dehydrated. Athletes or those who engage in regular exercise usually deplete their body up to 50% in sweat alone. Remember, I said our body is 60% water. The best way to make sure you are hydrating properly can be simple yet foreign until practiced regularly. Then it will become second nature just like your increase in water consumption.

How do I figure out how much water I should drink?

  1. Get your average daily weight
  2. When exercising make sure that you are at your average daily weight especially if your exercise requires endurance.
  3. Drink enough liquids, preferably water, but juice or sports drinks can be consumed during workouts to maintain your average daily weight.

Replace fluid loss post-workout

How do I replace fluid loss?

  1. Sip before you sweat! NASM recommends that you, “consume 14 to 22 ounces of fluid 2 hours before exercise.
  2. Every 15 to 20 minutes you sweat drink at minimum 6 to 12 ounces of cold water. That is less than a plastic water bottle totally doable.
  3. Make sure you drink cold fluids
  4. If you are going to work out for more than an hour then drink something that contains up to 8% carbohydrates to help hydrate you and replace glycogen being used up by your long workout. Some people recommend sports drinks; I like to use Collagen Peptides and BCAAs in my water bottle while I work out. I usually only drink water, so I use my dynamic duo to replace the glycogen being used in my workouts as well as keep me hydrated.
  5. If you’re doing a quick HIIT, Circuit or less than an hour workout water is best. A sports drink won’t hurt, but it’s not necessary.
    After your workout has ended NASM recommends, “Ingest 16 to 24 ounces” of fluid for every pound of body weight lost after an exercise bout.” That is why it is key to know that daily weight average.

Getting Rapid Hydration

Working out dehydrated is an easy way to throw your body out of whack. Making sure you are sipping on the water is the easiest way to avoid some adverse health effects and thwart all your hard work with poor performance.

Do you work out dehydrated? Do you take steps to stay hydrated? What are they?

Undefined, U. U. (2014). NASM essentials of personal fitness training (pp. 490-492) (M. Clark, B. G. Sutton, & S. Lucett, Authors). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

4 Comments on “Are your working out dehydrated?”

  1. I love my water filtration pitcher. I keep mine in my bedroom. I drink a glass of water when I waker up, before I eat, while I’m eating, before showers, during and after workouts. The drawback of so much water is you always have to use the restroom.

  2. I drink water all day long. I used to hate putting any kind of fruit in it, but when I learned the benefits of lemon infused water, I forced myself to try it. Now I LOVE it! I try to drink 64oz a day.

  3. Gulp, even though I am a Health Coach, I am sooo bad at this! I hardly drink any fluids except coffee sometimes. However, I have been drinking more water lately. I get a large water bottle and throw the BCAAs in so that helps. I would probably feel better if I drank more water.

    • I am the same way I am never thirsty and often dehydrated and my own research led me to want to post. I am trying to be more diligent in getting my sips.

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