Fitness Fest is Coming-You Going?
Excited for 2018 Fitness Fest at the FitExpo Philadelphia
It finally springs ya’ll, no really it is, and I cannot wait. I thrive in warmer weather although, I don’t complain about the cold. I kind of like every season for one reason or another and I am glad the seasons are short-lived throughout our year. So, I am ready for longer days, warmer weather and digging in the dirt with my garden.
I also am filling my calendar because the cold weather I tend to hibernate. in the spring and summer it’s gone time and I already have some fun things in mind this year. Last year, my spring was all about prepping and because of my ankle injury and also my pockets. I am not competing this summer as I planned.
Since I have been literally had been off my feet for 12 weeks, I am looking for fun events to get moving. I cannot think of anything that fits my need to get out, try new things and hang with people who like to honor their temple than FitnessFest at the Fit Expo Philadelphia.
What is the Fitness Fest Expo?
Fitness Fest at the FitExpo is an expo that goes all over the country introducing fitness workouts, equipment and educating personal trainers, group fitness leaders, aquatic instructors, mind/body practitioners and healthcare professionals. This jam-packed weekend allows professionals in the field to earn continuing education credits in a single weekend with some of the top presenters in the industry!
If you’re not a fitness professional, but you are a fitness enthusiasts you are more than welcomed to attend the conferences. There are going to be some incredible workshops you can shop at the expo and check out the latest in fitness equipment and trends. Also, come and participate in the FitnessFest Obstacle Course. It’s going to be a really fun weekend, April 27-28 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.
Hourly there is something fun, and I can’t wait to check out some of my favorite workouts! Like B.R.Y.C.K.E.D is a can’t miss! I am (kind of) a Tru Adams groupie and wherever I see B.R.Y.C.K.E.D offered I’m there!
What will you get out of Fitness Fest this year?
It’s also an excellent opportunity to meet another professional in your field or similar. You also know at expo’s there are lots of vendors. When it comes to fitness sometimes, you need to touch and feel to see if it’s worth it. I know that I would never have made some of my fitness purchase like footwear or clothes. I am eager to see what some vendors like 360 degrees have in footwear or Strong Board balance among so many other types of equipment and workouts. You know the things you see on Social media and want to see in real life first? Expo’s are great for that too.
How can you join me?
This year is a great lineup you can see the details on Fitness Fest Site. I already told you about my girl Tru who will be there but did you see that also I would love for you to join me as I explore the Pennsylvania Convention Center April 28-29th and get my sweat, shop, and fun on at FitnessFest Expo Philadelphia. If you don’t get B.R.Y.C.K.E.D. up with me, then I will probably see you by the table which is one of the sponsors of the event. Wherever it may be, I hope to see you there on April 28th or 29th.
For all of my followers, FitnessFest at The FitExpo Philadelphia has given me a discount code for $30 off your tick just enter “FAITHFUELED” in the promo code to receive your discount. Let me know your coming so we can meetup! Can’t wait I hope to see you there!