11th day of FaithFueled Fitmas

Day 11

For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, Ephesians 2:14

Yesterday, we talked about the anticipation of Immanuel, Our Savior to be born. What does it mean for Christ to be born? Since we already have seen the effects of his birth, this is not a trick question but mostly a question to insight, “Why are we celebrating Christmas?” I think modern day society we take the conveniences of life for granted. Often taking and never considering how it was given to us and why. Salvation is often taken for granted which I feel disappointing. We were given salvation through the birth and death of Christ and too often once we accept Christ we feel like that is a confirmation of our place in eternity. It is so much more than that it’s not a one-time deal but an on going relationship with Christ and duty or obligation to not only represent Christ here on earth but to bring others to him. Eliminating the dividing walls and show the peace and love that Christ has shown us.

Ephesians 2:14, iterates Jesus uniting the Gentiles and Jews, breaking down barriers and unifying all of the humanity. This year alone our country has been divided, our world at odds with each other. Jesus was sent here to make us all one under His love, protection, mercy and grace. Jesus is the only way to have peace here on earth. If we could all be at peace with God, then we could see peace in our cities, nations, and worlds.

Be transformed by His goodness and “let peace rule inside you no matter what’s happening on the outside,” – Pastor Andrew Bonaventura.

Today’s Challenge Exercise is Mountain Climbers:

Mountain Climbers can be challenging and admittedly my least favorite exercise. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. Mountain climbers are and excellent full body workout it engages most muscles in your body resulting in burning more calories in less time. Don’t we all want that? Mountain Climbers can be performed anywhere because you just need enough space for your body size. Lots of benefits to this exercise but it provides muscular and cardiovascular fitness while also improving flexibility, blood circulation, and overall strength.

Mountain Climbers works out your:

  • Shoulders
  • Biceps
  • Triceps
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Obliques
  • Lower Obliques
  • Lower Back
  • Back
  • Quads
  • Hamstrings
  • and Hips.

All from one essential yet challenging the move.  Get these done and out of the way today and have a beautiful and blessed day!

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